Sunday 7 August 2011

My first 14 miler and only 6 weeks left....

After last week, I decided to switch my long runs to Saturday so that I could stretch my legs with an easy run on Sunday. Yesterday I was up early to have breakfast before going back to sleep. I was really more in just a semi-conscious state but it was nice to think that I wasn't really getting up too early! I actually made it out the door before 9am with my Nuun and 2 High5 IsoGels.

Instead of making several loops along the seafront, I decided to see how far out of Brighton I could run. I went past Brighton Marina for the first time and while it was nice to have pavement to run on, it was hilly (at least, hilly for me!) and right next to a busy road. I had a good 5 miles or so before I started to slow down a bit, hampered by the ups and downs. But overall I still felt okay and was happy when I could finally stretch my long run to 14 miles!

My longest ever run and probably the highlight of week 10. Really excited to finally go further than half marathon distance. My running volume was the highest ever for me too--36.2 miles--and while I'm not quite hitting my target pace for the long runs yet, overall I'm feeling good. Can't believe that I have just 6 weeks left until the Dublin Half. With a few holidays scheduled from now until then, I know they'll fly by!

Oh, and a footnote to my review of High5 IsoGels. Definitely easier to take than traditional gels, I felt they took a while to kick in, about 15-20 minutes. I've used them on a few runs now including yesterday, and while I really like the liquid form I have to say.....IsoGels are off my list. Compared to the Kinetica and PowerBar gels, they work too slowly and don't give me the same sustained burst of energy. A little disappointing as I really liked the idea of a non-gel gel...

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